lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

Body Language at interviews

Albert Mehrabian did some studies about communication and the results were that just a 7% of the communication was by words, approximately 38% was by the voice (volulme, intonation…) and 55% by body language (look, posture, gestures…). That is the reason we should take into account the body language at interviews. Here you are some tips:

It is important to have eye contact.  You should look at the eyes of the interviewer to express confidence, extraversion…

Take care with the posture you get, it is advisable not to cross your arms as it would mean that you are nervous, insecure or don’t agree with what you have said, and other negative aspects. Don’t forget that your walk must be energetic.

A lack of body movements  are synonymous of lies, worries… you should accompany what you say with movements to transmit confidence and that you are sure about what you are saying, etc.

Taking the tone of voice into account is also essential at interviews. If the tone of the person sounds like “broken” that probably means that he/she is insecure or cannot be under pressure or he/she is nervous.

Finally, it is important to know that body language is very complex and it is difficult to have the certainty of the meanings (factors as “environment, how is the person …” have to be taken into account for body language evaluation). This means that although you have been given some tips about body language at interviews you should know: "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken," as Oscar Wilde said. To conclude, the most important thing is to be natural, feel comfortable and confident with yourself.

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