It often
happens that people who are given a golden handshake have been working in their
company for many years and had never been obligated to search for anything
else. They do not know the techniques or tools used to survive on the job
market and they have not been to a job interview in years. Although they do not
notice it at first, they need a guide, somebody who could show them the way and
help reach their goal. The average time of this process tends to be 6 months,
although depending on the sector and the candidate´s profile it might be
extended even up to a year.
It is
increasingly more common among professionals who invest in their career to try
Coaching, a service of personal help to identify, target and successfully reach
personal and professional objectives. Generally, the companies hire Coaches to
help their talented employees ¨grow¨ in the company. The Coach uses a question
as a weapon to provoke reflection on what the professional is doing and what
s/he could do; where s/he is now and where s/he wants to be. The coacher is
this way ¨catapulted¨ in order to break the limits that were, very often,
wrongly construed in his/her own mind.
candidates´ age might become an obstacle in finding a new opportunity, but only
in specific situations, therefore we cannot let ourselves set the limits.
Neither Outplacement nor Coaching will help us if we do not have faith in our
own possibilities.
is an extraordinary mix of Coaching and Outplacement, a new way to manage the
job trasition based on a programme that not only shows the job search
techniques but also prepares the candidates emotionally helping them modify the
behavior that limits the search.
candidates who find a new job fail to integrate in the new working environment,
or at least do not seem very satisfied. However, an adequate integration
coaching at the beginning of this period guarantees full incorporation into the
new post, thus being the ultimate phase of coachplacement programme.
Nice article, I learn a lot on this post because I was an Australian job search who spending my time on how to find a stable job. I hope that I can find it as soon as possible.